Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Judge ORDERS teen into chemotherapy against his and family's wishes

I've been watching this case since last week and thought some others of you might be interested. Here is one article about the case today because the family has fled - with GOOD REASON! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,520690,00.html

This case is another example of a blatant attack on our Constitutional and God-given freedoms to choose when to trust God for our medical needs and when we want to seek medical care or stop it. Although I do not know much about this family's church, I do know that the mother, father, and the boy (who has cancer) have all decided that they do not desire chemotherapy. He had one treatment and it was so rough that the family decided to seek alternate medicine for his cancer, including altering his diet to include foods that have been proven to help cancer patients. Even if we do not agree with the theology of the church, we need to support the parental and personal rights that have been shredded in this case.

Last week, a judge ORDERED the family that they MUST subject the boy to chemotherapy, even if that means holding the 13-year-old down and forcing the IV in. This is ludicrous and goes to show how far the judicial branch in our country has gone in trying to take over families, parental rights, and even a person's individual rights. The boy has stated adamantly that he would refuse any further treatment other than alternative medicines, but the judge said he has no choice.

Whether or not you agree with this family's decision to seek alternative medicine treatments for their son, the fact is that it should be THEIR choice, not some judge's. People abuse their children, school systems indoctrinate our children in theories of evolution and anti-Christian rhetoric, teenage pregnancy and venerial diseases are rampant, yet the courts are focusing more and more time on cases of well-meaning, caring families who DO take care of their children and want the best for them, yet the courts disagree with HOW things are being done. It's not that they aren't doing a good job; someone just thinks it should be done differently - or rather, done the state's way! This is not about abuse or even neglect. The family is very aware of what their choice means. The parents and this young man (13) are willing to live - or die - with that choice.

I will pray for this family and hope some of you would join me. I honestly believe that as many of these cases as we are seeing right now, we are going to continue to see a dramatic increase in these sorts of issues over the next year and trust me, it DOES affect homeschooling. If a judge has the right to tell a family which kind of medical treatment is best for their child, judges won't hesitate to tell families what sort of educational setting is best for their child either. (And actually, there was a case a few months ago where the judge ORDERED some homeschooled children back into public school at the request of a vindictive father during a custody battle even though he had previously been very supportive of home education.)

We were badgered last year to have the HPV vaccine for Sarah (then 12 years old) and I was basically told I was ignorant for refusing it. Now they are trying to make this mandatory for ALL girls - yes, ALL girls - age 9 and over. I can honestly say that if someone tried to force me to give my children someone we adamantly opposed and also believe is unsafe for them, especially when there are other options (like remaining sexually pure) or if someone tried to force me to put my children into public school, I also would leave. Everyone should seriously consider what cases like this mean for ALL OF US.

Sonya Haskins

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Special offer for homeschool graduates interested in King's College in NYC

The admissions counselor for King's College in New York City (not to be confused with KING COLLEGE in Bristol) asked me to forward this letter to homeschool families. Please contact Bryan directly if you have questions. Notice that they are waiving the application fee for homeschool students! Many colleges are more than willing to work with homeschool students due to their high rate of academic excellence, superior work ethic, high morals, and overall ability to participate in and contribute to college life. If the Lord so leads you, I hope some of you will consider contacting King's College to find out if your student might qualify for financial aid. Thanks, Sonya Haskins

Dear Homeschooled Students and Families:

Greetings from The King’s College, New York City! The King’s College is a rigorous Christian college in the heart of New York’s famous Empire State Building, and someone in your homeschooling network has been kind enough to pass our information on to you.

This year, King’s seeks to fill the remaining seats with intelligent students who want to engage culture for Christ…right in the epicenter of where culture is created! Our faculty—great minds such as Dr. Marvin Olasky (Editor-in-Chief of WORLD Magazine) and Dr. Peter Kreeft (author of numerous books and tenured philosophy professor at Boston College)—are eager to assist you in your academic development. At King’s, you will be able to further develop your Christian worldview as you pursue degrees in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (PP&E); Business Management; and Media, Culture, and the Arts (MCA).

We believe that there are exceptional 2009 graduates out there who have yet to choose a college. There are also students who have chosen a college for the fall but are not completely satisfied with their decision. If you fall in either of those categories, I’d encourage you to take a closer look at The King’s College. If you’re an academically gifted student and are interested in finding out more about King’s, visit our website and apply online for FREE at www.tkc.edu/apply. For homeschooled students, we’d love to waive the $30 application fee—just enter homeschool (all lower case, no spaces) in the “Name on Credit Card” line of the application and the fee will be waived.

Since we don’t have your contact information, we’re relying on you to contact us and identify yourself. We look forward to receiving your application!

Bryan Nance Jr.
Admissions Counselor

The King's College, NYC
Empire State Building
350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1500
New York, NY 10118
Phone: 212-659-3610
Fax: 212-659-3611