Sunday, July 19, 2009

Final draft is finished

I've been working on a new homeschool book for about seven months now. On Friday I e-mailed the final draft to my editor. Finally!! Yeah!! I was soooo tired.

Here is a small sample of what's included in the book.

We’ve been hiking a few times with the children and when we arrive at the base of the trails, we take a look at the different routes and decide which trail we will take to reach our destination. Some of the trails create a straight path to the destination, but might require extensive climbing. They are not recommended for children. Other trails are long and winding, allowing you to enjoy the view along the way, but it takes a lot longer to get there. Since we have young children, we usually take the long, winding trails that tend to be safer – without dangerous overhangs, lots of dense foliage to tread through, or climbing. The children love these long winding paths because they get to look at critters, pick up fallen leaves, discover mushrooms, and enjoy time with mom and dad. By the time I reach the end of the long winding path, I’m about ready to die – literally sometimes!
At times it can be exhausting to do what you know is right for your child. There are days of homeschool when I think that I just cannot handle another day. I can’t do it anymore! I just want to hurry up and drag the children with me past the dangerous overhangs, through the dense foliage, and up the cliffs of life, but I know this isn’t the best path for them.
In reality, there is enough temptation and danger in life without purposefully subjecting ourselves to more. When we stand before the mountain of life, there are many paths to follow. I’m not talking about the straight and narrow path to the Lord Jesus. Rather, I’m referring to the many other choices we’re given about how to live our lives. Some paths include marriage. Others include missionary work. Other paths include homeschooling.

For more, remember to check out Homeschooling for the Rest of Us, due to be released January 2010.

Sonya Haskins :)

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