Sunday, May 9, 2010

DNA research may discover if Lost Colony settlers integrated w/ local Indian tribe

A British group - in conjunction with scientists in USA - is going to do an investigation to see if descendants of the Croatoan tribe show DNA likeness to relatives of settlers who came to Roanoke - the Lost Colony - in 1587. Later settlers found the original Lost Colony settlers gone and the only clue was a word, "Croatoan," carved into a tree. I've always thought this was such an amazing mystery and wished someone would do DNA research on this. It should be relatively easy to tell if the blue-eyed Indians reported on the East Coast were actually descendants of Indians who had married the English settlers. This would be a wonderful finding if they were able to come to conclusive results. It will probably be some time before we know anything else, but I thought some of you might want to read this if you haven't heard about the research yet.

Here's the link:

Sonya :)


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