Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gwen - "Homeless" American Girl doll

I know many of you have bought American Girl dolls for your daughters. What's special about American Girl dolls is that each one has a story related to some point in history. One of the newest dolls is Gwen. Gwen's story is that she is homeless.

Some are criticizing the American Girl company because the doll costs $95 and no percentage of that is going toward programs to help the homeless. American Girl has issued a statement, however, saying that they do support (in general - not with proceeds from this particular doll) programs that go toward helping the homeless and that the doll helps girls from wealthier families understand homelessness better...

Anyway, I thought some of you might be interested in this. Feel free to leave a comment. : )

Here is a video story about the doll from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2009/10/05/nr.baldwin.homeless.doll.cnn

And here is a link to the doll at the American Girl website: http://store.americangirl.com/agshop/EndecaForwardServlet?dest=%2Fagshop%2Fhtml%2FProductPage.jsf%2FitemId%2F142095&event=topRecordsReport&sku=F9311

Have a great day!

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