Sunday, May 9, 2010

Need advice about getting a dog

OK... It your turn to give me advice. I enjoy sharing news, information, advice, etc., but sometimes I need help as well! This is one of those times. :)

Our son Daniel, who will be nine next weekend, has wanted a dog since he was a toddler. He LOVES dogs. He just adores them. He has asked for a dog EVERY year for his birthday and Christmas. Last year he wrote us a letter and told us the ONLY thing he wanted for Christmas was a dog - no presents or anything. He even said he'd get a job to pay for the food if we would let him get a dog.

So the perseverance is definitely there. This is not a passing phase. His birthday is coming this weekend and what does he want ... the same thing he has wanted for the past seven years! A dog. He has researched dog breeds and came up with about 20 selections that would "match" well with our "family dynamics." I'm not kidding. The kid is smart. He went through and looked at the dogs' needs based on family size, climate, food requirements, size of dog, temperament, etc. He gave me a list and said that IF I were going to get him a dog, these would be the best ones to consider. :)

My problem is this. I do NOT like dogs!! Ask any of my friends who have seen me around dogs and they'll tell you that I just don't like dogs. They seem to like me. Every time I'm around a dog, the goofy things try to sit in my lap, stand next to me, want to be petted, etc. They definitely want my attention, but I just don't like the furry little things. They seem to KNOW what you're thinking - like when you're happy or sad, etc. (You should also know that it's not just that I'm weird. I was attacked by a dog when I was 12 and had numerous bites all over my legs before someone saved me from the attacking creature! So I actually have a reason not to trust dogs.)

So here is my dilemma... Do we allow Daniel to have a dog and try to force me to overcome my doggy fear? Or do we just tell him no on the ONE thing he has wanted most in his life and just tell him he can have a dog when he leaves home? It's not like we're talking about a pony or even a kid who wants something "bad." We're just talking about a dog and I don't want Daniel to grow up thinking that the ONE thing he wanted as a kid he could never have. I know there are valid reasons why someone would say no to a "simple" request, for example, such as if a mom is allergic to cats, then it would make sense to tell the child that cats are OUT of the question. I am not allergic to dogs. I just don't like them.

I've thought about the possibility of telling him he could have an outside dog. We do already have a dog cage. (We were using if for our chickens.) :) With the outside cage, we could keep the dog in the cage at night, which might help protect against some of the predators we have out here - coyotes, raccoons, opossums, etc. Then, each day, Daniel could go out and play with his dog.

You should know a little about Daniel before you comment. He is my quietest child. He rarely talks. He enjoys books and reading and words (as in what they mean and using the right word, but not necessarily the use of a LOT of words). :) He is definitely a thinker and I was hoping that a dog would help him come out of his shell a little. I am not worried about his ability to care for the dog. That's not even an issue. He is very responsible and I know he would care for the dog and play with the dog and enjoy the dog. I am more worried about my ability to accept the dog.

Please share your thoughts.

Sonya :)

P.S. Also, we are NOT looking for advice about where to get a dog. If we do get one, we'll get it from the animal shelter.

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