Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Gifts

We have always tried to emphasize the true meaning of Christmas and for the past couple of years we haven't even had the option of buying presents. Now that doesn't mean we haven't bought the children anything. We just don't go hog wild and spend a bunch of money on stuff we don't need anyway. We always have enough little stuff to fill everyone's stockings and we also buy something special for each child. Last year we seriously thought about not buying anything at all so we had the smallest Christmas ever in terms of gifts and honestly I don't think having fewer gifts made our celebration for the birth of Christ any greater. We love Jesus every day and we realize we can never come near to matching the gift He has given us.

With all that said, this year I purchased a few little things here and there during the summer at yard sales. The kids are not spoiled and a used gift is just as special as a new gift to them. It is also good to recycle so we always buy used when we can. I also went out on the day after Thanksgiving to wait in line at 4:30 a.m. for a friend of mine. Since I was already awake, I decided that I would do a little shopping myself. I am glad I did because I found a few very good deals and got each child something he/she would like.

Chris and I had also wanted to buy each child a new Bible. They all have children's Bibles, but they are beyond those now. Everyone except Hannah needed to move up to a study Bible and it just so happened that the place where I work was having a sale on Bibles. We had planned to buy everyone a Bible and have it personalized, but then I was put in the hospital last week. We found out that my blood clotting problems are back.

I did a lot of thinking while I was in the hospital and I decided that I definitely wanted to get everyone a special Bible and also have each one personalized. When I went out after Thanksgiving, what I bought Sarah and Hannah was a scrapbook. I really wanted to get the boys one, too, but they were just so expensive that I decided against it. After I spent the week in the hospital and found out about the newer clots, I decided that the scrapbooks couldn't wait! I went back to the store yesterday and bought the boys one.

Now I'm so excited because I've decided to spend the month of January focusing on photographs, family history, and scrapbooking. We're going to put the books out at each person's assigned seat at the table and we'll just eat in the living room until the scrapbooks are done. I think it's going to be great fun!

I think the Bibles, scrapbooks, and stocking stuffers I bought are going to make for the most wonderful Christmas gifts ever. I LOVE giving gifts and these are perfect!! I wish everyone could have so much fun with little things as our family does. It is truly a blessing.


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