Friday, March 5, 2010

this year's Christian Writer's Guild Operation First Novel winner was homeschooled

Below is a press release from Tyndale House about this years award-winning Christian novel. The lady was homeschooled all 12 years. Yeah! A lot of you ask me about how to encourage your students who are interested in being published... Share this with them! Visit her website. She talks a lot about how homeschooling influenced her journey. It's encouraging to read news like this.

Sonya :)

Homeschool Graduate Pens Award-winning Christian Novel!

[Lititz, PA] "If it weren't for homeschooling, I wouldn't be where I am today," says C.J. Darlington, a homeschool graduate who started writing her first novel when she was fifteen-years-old. That novel, Thicker than Blood, recently won the Christian Writers Guild Operation First Novel contest.

The grand prize included $20,000 and publication by renowned publisher Tyndale House. Thicker than Blood has now hit bookstores across the country and is even being featured in select Walmart stores.

With endorsements from the likes of Jerry B. Jenkins, Rebecca St. James, Susan Meissner, and James Scott Bell, Thicker than Blood tells the story of estranged sisters May and Christy Williams. Booklist has called it a "modern twist on the prodigal son story" and ultimately the novel delivers a message of the forgiving and redemptive power of God available to all those hurting among us.

"I hope my journey encourages homeschool parents to keep the faith and never give up," C.J. says. "You're giving your kids an awesome gift by homeschooling them. I'm living proof that homeschooling works!"

"With Thicker than Blood, C.J. Darlington proves she's a novelist for the long-haul, a strong new voice in Christian fiction. This book speaks to the heart, from the heart, about the heart. Readers will not soon forget it."
---Sibella Giorello, Pulitzer Prize nominee, homeschool mom and award winning author of The Stones Cry Out and The Rivers Run Dry

To request a review copy of Thicker than Blood, or to request an interview with C.J., feel free to e-mail her directly at

Her website includes high-res photos, the book trailer, bios, reviews and more.

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