Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wall Street Bailouts, Obama, etc.

I am basically an intelligent person. Usually I can understand things that go on in the world, including issues with the economy, elections, education, etc. However, I seem to be having increasing difficulty understanding the bailouts that have already occurred and the additional bailouts that are being proposed. Here is an example of how I've tried to explain this to our children:

Kids: I don't understand what this "bailout" stuff is. Can you explain it?

Me: Well, I don't exactly understand it all either, but I'll try. Basically, to make a long story short, a bunch of banks gave a bunch of money to a bunch of people who shouldn't have had loans in the first place. Now the people can't pay back their loans and the government is going to pay the banks the money.

Kids: Why would they do that?

Me: So the people won't lose their houses.

Kids: Did the people pay their house payments every month like we have to do?

Me: Well, no.... That's why the banks are trying to take the houses back and that's why the banks need more money.

Kids: Couldn't they resell the houses to people who would pay their bills if they took them back?

Me: Well, yes, but some people don't think it's fair that the banks are allowed to take the houses back even though the people couldn't pay the bills. Since they did give them the loans, we have decided to give the banks money so that the people can keep their houses and the banks won't go out of business.

Kids: It doesn't really seem fair that Daddy goes to work every day and has to pay taxes, but then the government is going to use the taxes to help people who don't go to work every day. What if Daddy stops working and then we just let someone else give us money to keep our house?

The reason bailouts do NOT work is because you create a mindset that SOMEONE ELSE IS GOING TO FIX YOUR PROBLEMS!!!! Live within your means. Even better, live below your means.

I understand that everyone has periods when they have difficulty paying bills or making ends meet on even a very basic level, but this is where friends, neighbors, relatives and churches should come to the aid of those people and it should be TEMPORARY! I am so sick of hearing about "helping those in need." We (my family) does this as much as we can. Yes, I do believe Jesus said to help others, but I also think it is very clear in the Bible that if a man is not willing to work, he should not eat. And certainly we should not be paying his mortgage. (2 Thessalonians 3:10 "If a man shall not work, he shall not eat.")

We need to instill a work ethic in the next generation, not bail them out.

We need to teach children that if you don't have any money, you don't get a loan to buy what you want, you should wait until you have enough money saved to buy the item (whether it's a new toy or a house).

We need to teach the next generation that there will be consequences to their actions: cheating on a test results in a FAILING grade, not a slap on the hand, pregnancy does result in a child (not murder through abortion), overspending might very well result in foreclosure, stealing will result in jail time, etc.

We have taken away most of the consequences in our society. People talk about the poor, the oppressed, the minority populations, etc. In my opinion, when we excuse people's actions, help them avoid consequences, take away all work ethic by GIVING everything to someone, etc., we have doomed not only that segment of population to failure, but we have also doomed society to failure. I grew up "poor" - VERY poor actually. I understand what it means not to have anything to eat for dinner and I'm not talking about a segment of our American population that says if they don't have steak for dinner, there is nothing to eat. I remember eating the last box of Kraft macaroni and cheese many times when I was a kid and I couldn't wait to get to school to eat free lunch the next day. (Yes, I did benefit from these programs, but they have gotten out of control and need to be limited. Throwing more money at the problems in society is not going to fix the problems. I was always ashamed to have free lunch and today people not only expect it, but they brag about free lunch, welfare, social security benefits, and more as if these things are a right rather than a supplement during a difficult time.)

I am tired of hearing about Obama and how he is going to "save" our nation. That man is going to do nothing but bring turmoil, strife, and persecution to God-fearing people who strive to live by Judeo-Christian values.

I pray that the Lord will protect us.

P.S. If you are interested in an investigation of Obama's educational philosophies, visit this page.

1 comment:

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

I garee with everything you said.

I hope you don't mind, but I posted some of your infomration about Obama on my blog, with a link back to you.

I can't believe people are being so gullible...
